In 1909, Robert Hugh Benson — already renowned as a writer of historical novels and science fiction — entered the lists of mainstream authors, beginning an effort that resulted in some of his finest work.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The sixth and final of Robert Hugh Benson's "mainstream" novels, Loneliness?, published posthumously in 1915, examines the life of a woman who sacrifices everything to be accepted by people who can see her only in terms of her singing ability and the roles she plays on the stage. They abandon her when she can no longer fit into their preconceived ideas. Loneliness? may be Benson's least known, yet one of his most insightful — and entertaining — novels. It highlights the tendency to judge people for what they can do for us, rather than their value as human beings. (ISBN 978-1-60210-010-7, 298 pp., $20.00)